Thursday, January 5, 2012

Step 1: Skinning

You will need a dissection pan, scissors, blunt probe, and goggles. Place the pig in the pan ventral surface upward. To begin skin only the right side of the pig. Make a small incision with your scissors around the umbilical cord being sure not to cut too deep. Continue to cut along the mid line, towards the head, in a straight line until you reach the anterior end of the neck. Using the blunt probe (picture in the center above) detach the skin from the muscle up to the spine. Then cut up the leg and around the ankle in a circle so the skin can be removed using the blunt probe technique used for the back. Also cut up the arm and around the wrist and use the blunt probe to detach the skin from the muscle. Skin both sides of the neck, but do not get into the cheek area. Use your blunt probe to separate the two sternohyoid muscles, the two muscles at the mid line of the neck. Be sure to keep the skin still attached to the back to be used after skinning to withhold the moisture .

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