Splenius |
This muscle is located on the back of the neck. It lies deep to the rhomboideus capitus and rhomboideus cervicus muscles. This muscle extends the head and flexes it to the side. To isolate it you must move the rhomboideus capitus and rhomboideus cervicus to the side using the blunt probe and it will be underneath.
Trapezius |
The trapezius is a broad dorsal muscle that lies on the surface. It is posterior to the brachiocephalic muscle and dorsal to the deltoid muscle. This muscle retracts the scapula during forelimb movement.
Rhomboideus Cervicus |
The rhomboideus cervicus is the middle of the three rhomboid muscles. It originates from the cervical vertebrae. To isolate this muscle you must use the blunt probe to detach the skin from the muscle and then separate the muscle from the surrounding muscles.
Rhomboideus Capitus |
The rhomboideus capitus is the most anterior of the three muscles. It goes from the occipital part of the cranium to the vertebrae border. This muscle draws the scapula forward. To isolate this muscle you must use the blunt probe to detach the skin from the muscle and then use it to separate it from the rhomboideus cervicus. Also make sure you remove any connective tissue.
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